Member-only story
If You Don’t Know What To Do In The Gym, Read This…
One of the things holding people back from getting any kind of results from working out is being unsure of what to do.
Something I learned from being in sales was:
“Confused people don’t buy”
And the same goes for the gym where confused people don’t take action…
Or at least deliberate action leading to progress.
Back when I was working at the gym last year, I’d ask the members checking in:
“What are you working on today?”
And a surprising amount of people said something to the effect of:
“Oh I’m not sure yet”
“I’ll see what I feel like doing today”
No bueno.
It’s really tough to make progress if you don’t have a plan.
And if you don’t have a plan…
Here’s the plan.
Pick 1 variation of the following 6 exercises:
Day 1
Chest Press
Overhead Press
Day 2