If You Only Have 9 Minutes, You Can Still Exercise (Here’s What I Did…)
Back in 2022 when I was a manager at my gym, I would often go in a bit early to get a workout in before my shift.
Most of the time, I’d give myself about 45 minutes to workout, get ready, and clock in which seemed to do the trick just fine.
But there was this one time…
I didn’t leave with enough time and didn’t want to skip out completely…
Instead, I got myself under a barbell for some standing shoulder press and started doing some warmup sets with the empty bar.
I added some weight and did another few reps.
I added weight again, and did a single rep.
Then I added my working weight for the day which, if I can remember correctly, was somewhere around 105lbs and did 2 quality working sets.
After that, I did one set of bodyweight chin ups.
And that was that…
9 minutes from start to finish.
Now to be clear, I can’t say I recommend this.
The only reason I did it this way was due to poor planning, and it would have been a better idea to do the full workout the next day…