Job Interview Secrets Uncover The Formula To Getting In Shape

Gabe Johansson
2 min readApr 28, 2024

Recently, I’ve found myself back on the job hunt and one thing I’ve learned over the years is how to interview very well.

If I can get a first interview, I can usually get a second one and if I get a second one, I either get a third interview or a job offer.

I’m currently at the 3rd stage for one job and the second for 2 other companies because I got good at this.

But it wasn’t always this way…

It took me years to figure out this one key principle:

Companies only care about the value you can bring to them on a consistent basis.

That’s why they ask you things like:

“What made you interested in our company?” (to figure out how serious you are)

“Why did you leave your last job? (to gauge your commitment level)

“Tell me about a time where you _____” (to understand your skillset aka value)

“Where you do see yourself in 5 years?” (to see how much value they can extract from you without…



Gabe Johansson

Man. Husband. Father. Black coffee enjoyer. On a mission to help 1000s get in shape. Get free newsletter + fat loss guide + community: