My 3 Step Secret To Consistent Strength Gains In The Gym

Gabe Johansson
2 min readSep 23, 2024
Screenshot of Author’s video where he talks about his training and how to gain strength in the gym

There was a time in my life where the gym was my whole life:

  • I worked out there
  • I worked there as an employee
  • I ran a side business selling programs and training there
  • I recorded hundreds of YouTube and Instagram videos there

And for those strange 3 and a half years, I didn’t have much else to worry about.

So I got strong as frick compared to where I am now, however strong frick is.

I was able to squat 350lbs, bench press 265lbs with a pause at the bottom, and shortly after that gym closed, I pulled a 405lbs deadlift.

But then life got real and I got an adult job, bought a car, met my wife, and moved out of my mom’s place.

Training was still important, but not nearly as much.

Fast forward 6 moves and about 12 jobs later…

I’m just now getting back into a solid groove with training and trending in the right direction again.

And so I’ve decided to share the 3 things I’ve been applying to my training to help me make consistent strength gains each week.



Gabe Johansson

Man. Husband. Father. Black Coffee Enjoyer. Went from skinny fat to fit. On a mission to help 1000s get in shape: