The Only Dieting Rule You Need To Follow To Lose Weight Consistently

Gabe Johansson
3 min readSep 5, 2024

When I first got started with dieting and took it seriously, I had some rapid success but looking back I could have made my life a lot easier.

Not only was I focused on too many things, it was also a dramatic lifestyle change.

I went from mindlessly eating junk food to following a pretty strict meal plan and hitting specific calorie, protein, carbs, and fat goals every single day.

Sure, my stricter diet approach ended up working out well for me…

But I was in my early 20s with no wife, no kids, and no one else to consider because I would cook all my own meals for myself and myself alone.

If I tried to make the same changes now as a married dad of 2, I’d imagine it wouldn’t go so smoothly…

And so, I’ve refined my dieting rules down to one, and 3 things to optimize so even the busiest of parents and professionals can make it work:

The One Rule To Rule Them All

I don’t think I could make it any simpler than this, but if you want to get in shape the number one thing to focus on is how many calories you’re eating each day.



Gabe Johansson

Man. Husband. Father. Black Coffee Enjoyer. Went from skinny fat to fit. On a mission to help 1000s get in shape: